Read a selection of the Ombudsman’s Freedom of Information external review determinations.

These determinations show the types of external reviews regularly conducted by the Ombudsman, and provide insight into the Ombudsman’s interpretation of the Freedom of Information Act 1991.


Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development (2013/00685) (PDF, 80.0 KB)


Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (2013/04129) (PDF, 123.8 KB)

Registrar of the Veterinary Surgeons Board (2013/01719) (PDF, 73.6 KB)

Department for Education and Child Development (2013/01540) (PDF, 82.9 KB)


Department for Education and Child Development (2013/02308) (PDF, 62.4 KB)

Department of the Premier and Cabinet (2013/00183) (PDF, 62.4 KB)

District Council of the Copper Coast (2013/02553) (PDF, 68.9 KB)


An explanation of FOI determinations in relation to the FOI Act 1991 and Children's Protection Act 1993 (PDF, 38.2 KB)

Minister for Education and Child Development (2013/00274) (PDF, 65.5 KB)

Minister for Education and Child Development (2013/00262) (PDF, 62.0 KB)

Minister for Education and Child Development (2013/00263) (PDF, 62.7 KB)

Department for Education and Child Development (2013/01514) (PDF, 79.3 KB)


Environment Protection Authority (2012/08071) (PDF, 71.8 KB)

Environment Protection Authority (2012/08074) (PDF, 66.3 KB)

Environment Protection Authority (2012/08076) (PDF, 62.3 KB)


Department of the Premier and Cabinet (2013/02902) (PDF, 51.5 KB)

South Australian Tourism Commission (2012/08258) (PDF, 119.9 KB)


Department of Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade and Resources (2012/08625) (PDF, 78.2 KB)


Nyrstar Lead Smelter (various) (PDF, 58.0 KB)

Department of Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade and Resources (2012/08630) (PDF, 70.2 KB)

Environment Protection Authority (2013/06815) (PDF, 63.1 KB)


Environment Protection Authority (2012/05775) (PDF, 67.9 KB)

Environment Protection Authority (2012/05833) (PDF, 54.2 KB)

Environment Protection Authority (2012/07146) (PDF, 59.1 KB)